excercise #2 Jason A. Uy

Exercise #2 Jason A. Uy

Technical writing pave a better way for managers like me. It makes us more competent and because of it we hold a great possibility of being promoted to a higher position.

----Arthur Dominguez- Operation Manager---

Having an artifice in technical writing makes me excel in my job as a med. rep. Technical writing alone helps me much in my line. by being literate and equipped with it, i can reach my quota on the most convenient, easiest and fastest possible way.

----Lexter Cadicoy---

it is important especially in my work, as a secretary. it contributes a lot like for an instance our post commander ask me to create an annual report regarding our mutual aid account. It saves me a lot of time.

----Dra. Asuncion Martinez---


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Bilbao, Jeffrey A.
Mendoza, Ken C.
Uy, Jason A.
Godofredo, Moises C.
Balote Jr., Mark Joseph R.
Basilan, John Paul B.
Talan, Andrie
Aritmetica, Idrian Paul C.